Part One – Trusting the Bible

We discuss the Bible’s purpose, the books’ selection process, and its unique characteristics.

Part Two – Studying the Bible

We get real practical on how to read, interpret and apply the Bible.

Part Three – What is the Bible About?

In this last section, we go on a journey from start to finish and show that the main story is about Jesus and God’s plan to redeem humanity.

How can you best teach through this book?

Style of Teaching

You can use the book in either a lecture-led format for a classroom or a small-group discussion-based style. Since I’ve typically taught in more of a lecture-led format, the supplementary materials reflect that direction.

The student workbook has fill-in-the-blanks for each chapter and is designed to be paired with PowerPoint slides for each blank. There are also graphical handouts for each major graphic as you get to it in the book.

If you prefer a more discussion-based style, you could have each person in the group read the book ahead of time and fill in the blanks, and then use the discussion questions at the end of each chapter to share thoughts on the book.

Again, since this is more intended for a “Starting Point” class with new people, group discussion probably won’t be a great option, at least for the first couple of weeks 🙂

Length of Class

I recommend teaching through the book in either a six- or nine-week duration. Six is short and will only give you a basic overview without much time for questions or discussion, but it might be good if you’re using it with a younger youth class. I’ve had people extend it to twelve, but you’ll need a lot of Q&A, discussion, and supplementary material. I think 8-9 weeks is the sweet spot.

For my teaching style, each class takes 45-60 minutes. This varies depending on how many questions the students have during the class and how detailed the discussions are in answering the questions at the end of each chapter.

Here is how I’ve broken down the weeks for each duration:

Six Week Module

Week 1 – Chapters 1-3

Week 3 – Chapters 4-5

Week 3 – Chapters 6-7

Week 4 – Chapters 8-10

Week 5 – Chapters 11-13

Week 6 – Chapters 14-16

9 Week Module

Week 1 – Chapters 1-2

Week 2 – Chapter 3

Week 3 – Chapters 4-5

Week 4 – Chapters 6-7

Week 5 – Chapters 8-10

Week 6 – Chapters 11-12

Week 7 – Chapters 13-14

Week 8 – Chapters 15-16

Week 9 – Use this for catch-up, review, or Q&A.

And just to be clear, you don’t have to use this only for a “Starting Point” class. Many churches have used it in their youth groups, small groups, and Sunday School classes.

It would be my greatest joy for you to use the book and all the materials that come alongside it to teach people to love and trust the Bible!

The Perfect Starting Point Curriculum

If you’re looking for a good book and curriculum for your Starting Point class, we designed and wrote A Visual Theology Guide to the Bible specifically for this purpose. It introduces people to the Bible, answers questions they might have about it, and then leads them through the whole thing, teaching the gospel and showing how Jesus is the hero all the way through.

We have a study guide, slides, and handouts available to help you teach through the whole thing! You can get it all here – you can even download the first three weeks for free.

If you’re a Gold or Platinum member, all the study materials are included in your membership. If you’re not a member, join today and get access to all our curricula and posters!