Track YourBible Reading in 2025with Style and Fun!
Challenge yourself, your family, or your small group to complete the reading journey together. Each milestone can be celebrated with matching book stickers.
Complete the all-new 2025 Christian Reading Challenge with both your poster and stickers!
Whether you are a light reader or a totally obsessed reader, there is a plan for you. You also don’t have to do this on your own! Get your family or group of friends and take on the challenge together!
Visual Theology will help you get your mind around the entirety of the Bible (and its impact on human history) through easy-to-access while theologically-reliable pictures and graphs.
Whether you are Bible beginner or a seasoned teacher, you’ll find this book helpful in placing each story in the context of the larger one. The Bible is truly an amazing, God-inspired book, and Visual Theology puts its wonder on full display!J.D. Greear / Pastor of The Summit Church in Durham, North Carolina
Visual Theology is, literally, a sight for sore eyes. It converts dozens of vital concepts about Scripture into visual images that make learning just plain fun. Flip through the content and you’ll be hooked.
They've turned looking into learning. Brilliant.Gregory Koukl / President of Stand to Reason (, author of Tactics and The Story of Reality
Visual Theology is a must-have resource for anyone who teaches the Bible. Not only does it have great graphics to illustrate the storyline and teachings of Scripture, but the text of the book, the summaries, and explanations, are an invaluable asset for your teaching arsenal. I know I'll be using it as a parent to talk about the Bible with my children and as a professor as I lecture on theology to college students. Yes, that's a wide range, but this little book is just that good.Dan DeWitt / Professor & Director of the Center for Biblical Apologetics and Public Christianity at Cedarville University
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This is show-and-tell at its finest. Most theology books merely convey what we are to believe, but this one uses creative and beautiful design to capture and portray these crucial truths. I know of nothing else quite like it, and I trust that God will use it to help his people see and celebrate reality in a new way.Justin Taylor / Managing editor of the ESV Study Bible
You’ve probably seen (or used) a gospel presentation drawn on a whiteboard or a napkin. It’s remarkable how God gives us spiritual insight when we behold truths about him with our eyes. With engaging graphics and descriptions of the Christian faith, Tim Challies and Josh Byers have done something genuinely unique in Visual Theology. See for yourself!Gloria Furman / Author of Treasuring Christ When Your Hands Are Full and The Pastor’s Wife
My mind is blown. Visual Theology has married rock-ribbed Reformational theology with breathtaking presentations.
The effect is something like following John Knox into the Matrix. In this diaphanous world, we encounter no fiction, but very reality itself –God-reality– and we are transformed.Owen Strachan / Associate professor of Christian theology and Director of the Center on Gospel and Culture at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary