
Visual Theology

Seeing and Understanding the Truth About God

We live in a visual culture. Today, people increasingly rely upon visuals to help them understand new and difficult concepts. As teachers and lovers of sound theology, we have a deep desire to convey the concepts and principles of systematic theology in a fresh, beautiful and informative way. In this book, we’ve have made the deepest truths of the Bible accessible in a way that can be seen and understood by a visual generation.

This is simple yet profound, clever without being flashy. Helpful and practical. Speaking as a person who avoids diagrams and graphs at all costs, I found the infographics in this book to be illuminating. This cheeky little number is a class act.

Mez McConnell

Pastor of Niddrie Community Church, Edinburgh, and director of 20schemes

About the Book

We live in a visual culture. Today, people increasingly rely upon visuals to help them understand new and difficult concepts. The rise and stunning popularity of the Internet infographic has given us a new way in which to convey data, concepts and ideas.

But the visual portrayal of truth is not a novel idea. Indeed, God himself used visuals to teach truth to his people. The tabernacle of the Old Testament was a visual representation of man’s distance from God and God’s condescension to his people. Each part of the tabernacle was meant to display something of man’s treason against God and God’s kind response. Likewise, the sacraments of the New Testament are visual representations of man’s sin and God’s response. Even the cross was both reality and a visual demonstration.

As teachers and lovers of sound theology, we have a deep desire to convey the concepts and principles of systematic theology in a fresh, beautiful and informative way. In this book, we’ve have made the deepest truths of the Bible accessible in a way that can be seen and understood by a visual generation.


As Christians, our first and most basic discipline is cultivating and growing into that personal relationship with Jesus as we hear from him, speak to him, and worship him.

Chapter One: Gospel

Chapter Two: Identity

Chapter Three: Relationship

There is content to the Christian faith–information and facts we need to understand. We need to grow in our understanding of what God accomplishing in this world, and as we do that , we will want to grow in our knowledge of God himself so we can better understand who he is and what he is like.

Chapter Four: Drama

Chapter Five: Doctrine

The Bible tells us to be conformed to the image of Christ, to think like him, to speak like him, to behave like him. We do this by putting away old habits, patterns, and passions and by replacing them with new and better habits, and passions.

Chapter Six: Putting Off

Chapter Seven: Putting On

We need to learn to live for Christ from the moment we wake up each day to the moment we fall asleep, to live in such a way that we draw attention to him and bring glory to him.

Chapter Eight: Vocation

Chapter Nine: Relationships

Chapter Ten: Stewardship

Teaching Resources

The book A Visual Theology Guide to the Bible was written and designed to be taught in a small group, Sunday school classroom, or homeschool. For that reason, we’ve produced a workbook and presentation slides, and handouts that will help you teach through the book.

Student Workbook

The Visual Theology Study Guide is a ten session study designed to help you grow in godliness by practicing what you learn, and it includes application for both personal and small group study. Each chapter includes key terms, group study discussion questions, and exercises for personal reflection in God’s Word.

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Teach through Visual Theology the book with the official Visual Theology Presentation Slides!

We took every single graphic in the book and customized it for display in a teaching or preaching presentation. We didn’t just simply resize the graphics either. Every single graphic was re-worked and custom built to display the information best on a presentation slide!

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