Text + Graphic = a fuller portrait

Visual Theology Blog

Visual Theology was never intended to be just visuals. We believe good teaching combines the best of both worlds–excellent, clear writing, and arresting visuals that take you further into the story. The Visual Theology blog will go behind the scenes and explore the truths they communicate.

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How to Create the Perfect Starting Point Class (Part 3)

In the conclusion of our three-part series on creating the perfect starting point class we'll discuss material to use in the class and how to schedule out the weeks.

How to Create the Perfect Starting Point Class (Part 2)

How to manage the class’s initial interactions and the best icebreaker I’ve found for getting to know a class of new people.

How to Create the Perfect Starting Point Class (Part 1)

How do you create the perfect starting point class? Since everyone in the class is new and, at the most, maybe knows only a couple of other people, making everyone comfortable was always my first priority. This starts before they even step foot in the room.

The 66 Books

What if I told you that the most extraordinary story wouldn’t transport you to another place but instead provide clarity, meaning, and hope to the very real and non-fictitious life you live right now? This is what we find when we read the story of the Bible.

The Five Solas

The Reformation was a defining moment in history when God used Martin Luther to radically impact how people worship and think about God.

The Heart of God

The more you and I accurately understand what God is like, the more our thoughts and actions will reflect his character.

Truth On Display

It's simple, but if we want to infuse our kids with the Word, most of the time we just need to do something. Here is a list of easy ideas and activities to engage your kids with Scripture.

All Things Work for Good

A little behind the scenes and encouragement from the poster "All Things Work for Good."